• Young person in profile looking at a screen at Paris Games Week 2023

    Groups & ESC

    Are you in charge of an ESC and would like to offer tickets to your employees? Are you an individual, club or association planning to visit Paris Games Week? Take advantage of a discount on the purchase of 10 or more tickets for Paris Games Week 2024!
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  • Visitors take a look at the floor plan

    Date - Access - Map

    Prepare your visit to Paris Games Week: consult the map and find out about the show's opening hours.
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  • A queue of visitors outside the entrance to the show

    Transport & accommodation

    Find out how to get to Paris Games Week by different means: car, public transport or driver, choose the means best suited to your situation. Anticipate your accommodation & parking needs.
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  • The info point for visitors' questions

    FAQ Paris Games Week

    Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Paris Games Week.
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  • A game designed for the disabled

    Video Games & Disability at PGW

    With CapGame, #PGW is committed to facilitating access to the show and the world of video games for visitors with disabilities.
    A team of animators dedicated to accessibility, some of whom are deaf, will be able to welcome our visitors in French sign language.
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